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Understanding Hyperlipidemia and Herbal Products that Help Overcome It

High levels of fat or lipids in the blood can cause a person to experience hyperlipidemia, which includes high cholesterol and high triglycerides. This condition is generally not accompanied by symptoms, however, for those of you who don't live a healthy lifestyle and rarely exercise, this disease is worth watching out for. To confirm the hyperlipedemical condition, a blood test called a lipid profile or lipid panel examination must be performed. Through this examination, it can be known cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood.

What is hyperlipidemia and its causes

Hyperlipidemia means high levels of lipids or fats in the blood, which consists of triglycerides and cholesterol. Cholesterol is further divided into two, namely good cholesterol (HDL-High Density Lipoprotein) and bad cholesterol (LDL-Low Density Lipoprotein). Triglycerides mainly come from extra calories obtained from foods such as dairy products, fructose and alcohol. Meanwhile, cholesterol can be produced by the liver but also obtained from foods that contain fat. like cheese, eggs and meat. Someone said to have high cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia) if the total amount of cholesterol is more than 200 mg / dL. The amount of triglycerides is also said to be high if the level in the blood exceeds 200 mg / dL. People who are overweight, consume lots of fatty foods, consume alcohol, and rarely exercise, have a higher risk for developing hyperlipidemia.

Supplements for Hyperlipidemia

Taking supplements can be one way to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Some herbal medicines that can function as supplements to help reduce cholesterol levels include:
  • Barley

  • Based on a study, Barley was able to be one of the supplements to reduce total cholesterol levels. In addition, Barley is able to reduce levels of bad cholesterol or LDL in the blood.
  • Spinach

  • A study found that spinach extract has the potential to act as an antioxidant and can be useful to help relieve hyperlipidemia. However, this potential, still needs to be further investigated in humans to be able to clearly know the benefits.
  • Pineapple

  • The content of bromelain in pineapple, is known to have many uses. One of them, is its ability to break down cholesterol in the blood and prevent clogging of blood vessels due to cholesterol plaque.
  • Artichoke extract

  • Artichoke extracts obtained from leaves, stems, or roots are often used for various treatments including reducing cholesterol levels.
  • Fish oil

  • Consumption of fish oil that contains polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), namely omega 3 (EPA and DHA), and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), namely omega 6 and omega 9, if balanced with healthy lifestyle changes, can overcome hyperlipidemia because it can reduce levels of triglyceride fat in the blood.
  • Green Tea Extract

  • A study shows that green tea can reduce bad cholesterol levels and raise good cholesterol levels. This may be because the polyphenol content found in green tea can prevent cholesterol from being absorbed by the intestine, while helping to get rid of it.
Although there have been studies showing the efficacy of these natural ingredients to help reduce cholesterol levels, further research is still needed on how it works, its effectiveness, and its level of safety.

Change Lifestyle

Seeing the risk factors for hyperlipidemia, then another way that can be done to prevent and overcome this disease is to change your lifestyle to be healthier. These lifestyle changes can be made by:
  • Limit fatty foods

  • Reducing consumption of fatty foods, especially foods that contain saturated fat and trans fat. Some types of foods that should be limited include fried foods, fatty red meat, sausages, smoked meat, ice cream, chocolate, butter, potato chips, popcorn, biscuit cookies, and various fast food.
  • Eat healthy food

  • Eat foods that are rich in fiber, such as various types of vegetables, fruits, nuts and fish. Then also limit consumption of foods and drinks that contain sugar so that cholesterol levels in the blood can go down to 10%.
  • Doing exercise regularly

  • At least take about 40 minutes to exercise, 3 to 4 times a week, can reduce cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
  • Control your weight

  • Being overweight or obese tends to be able to increase cholesterol levels in the blood. Therefore, it is recommended to lose weight so that cholesterol levels in the blood can be controlled properly.
  • Quit smoking

  • Smoking also seems to affect the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Avoid and stop smoking so that the risk of hyperlipidemia or high cholesterol can be minimized.
Applying a healthy lifestyle and taking supplements may be a step to overcome hyperlipidemia. However, if this method cannot also overcome the hyperlipidemia suffered, your doctor may recommend cholesterol-lowering drugs such as statin drugs, such as simvastatin, or cholestyramine and beta sitsterol, so that cholesterol can be controlled properly. In addition, you should also use supplements through a doctor's consultation.


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